Thank you for choosing Wicked Nightlife Tours, Surfers Paradise’s premier nightclub experience. Join us for an unforgettable evening in the Gold Coast’s most exclusive venues. Some housekeeping… You will need to be on the Club Crawl as it enters each venue to receive entitlements including your free entry stamp & venue vouchers. Valid 18+ identification must be shown into each Surfers Paradise nightlife venue. Some venues reserve the right to only offer free entry all night for the tours finishing in their venue & guests that have got their stamp upon entry with the group.
*You must be on the tour the entire time to receive all the inclusions mentioned above.
Get your hands on our Discount pass now and unlock unbeatable deals for dining, partying, and enjoying a fantastic time around the Gold Coast!
7:30pm – Steampunk
Located – 3113 Surfers Paradise Blvd, Surfers Paradise
8:30pm – Retro’s
Located – 3/15 Orchid Ave, Surfers Paradise QLD 4217
09:45pm -Bedroom Nightclub
Located – 26 Orchid Ave, Surfers Paradise QLD 4217
11.00pm – Havana
Located – 26 Orchid Ave, Surfers Paradise QLD 4217
7:30pm – The Sporting Globe
Located – CNR Cavill Ave & Surfers Paradise Blvd, Surfers Paradise
8:30pm – Havanna Nightclub
Located – 26 Orchid Avenue, Surfers Paradise
9:45pm – Retro’s
Located – 3/15 Orchid Ave, Surfers Paradise QLD 4217
11:00pm -Bedroom Nightclub
Located – 26 Orchid Ave, Surfers Paradise QLD 4217
If you need help, have any questions or concerns, please address the issues to:
Phone: 1300 830 002
Office Contact Hours:
We will endeavour to get back to you within 1 business day.
7.30pm – 10.30pm
"Hold him up boys!" 😂
#clubcrawl #surfersparadise #goldcoastclubs #clubbing #wickedclubcrawl #boysnightout #gcclubs #partying
Attention party goers! We have made the decision to cancel this Friday`s crawl due to party crasher Alfred 😖
If you have tickets for this Friday we are reaching out to you now and your tickets will be rescheduled to another Friday or Saturday of your choosing.
Please stay safe!
Is it the weekend yet? 😫
We`re already counting down to our Friday and Saturday club crawls!
#WickedNightOut #wicked #wickednightlife #wickednightlifetour #wickedclubcrawl #clubcrawl #nightlife #nightlifetour #surfersparadise #thingstodoinsurfersparadise
🚀 Shoot your shot… literally. We’re raising the bar (and the glasses) 🙌
We`ll see you on the best crawl in AUS!
#WickedShotsOnly #WickedNightOut #wicked #wickednightlife #wickednightlifetour #wickedclubcrawl #clubcrawl #nightlife #nightlifetour #surfersparadise #thingstodoinsurfersparadise
We’re more than just a club crawl 😎
Come along to see why 😏
#surfersparadise #goldcoast #clubcrawl #clubbing #wickednightlife #wickedclubcrawl #party #nightout #likeag6